3 ways to be more kind to yourself

When your friend is going through something tough, how do you treat them? What kinds of words do you day? What actions do you take?

The first step to self-compassion is treating yourself as you would a good friend. You deserve to extend that same kindness to yourself.

The second step to self-compassion is reminding yourself that you are not alone. While your feelings and journey are unique to your own process, someone out there resonates with you. Their journey make be similar to yours. They get you and what you are going through.

The third step to self-compassion is mindfulness. Accept what you are feeling and experiencing. It's ok to feel this way. And then recognize what is real and true and begin to heal using a mindfulness exercise that works best for you.

You deserve to be kind with yourself.
You are not alone.
You are enough.

To add self-kindness and mindfulness into your day today - listen to this 5-minute self-compassion break audio meditation for mothers.

Bri Luginbill