How to relieve anxiety in the moment

Let’s define anxiety first.

Anxiety (n.)

“a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease, typically about an imminent event or something with an uncertain outcome.”
-Webster’s Dictionary

When you experience the above, here is a 3-step way to recognize anxiety, bring calmness, and lead your anxious thought to a peaceful grounding.

  1. Take a pause.
    Stop to recognize the anxious thought. Address that it's there and how it's making you feel.

  2. Take slow breaths.
    Calm and start to clear your mind with a few slow breaths. Put one hand over your heart and the other one your stomach. While breathing in and out, repeat the thought "I am safe and I am loved," in your mind.

  3. Validate one of your core characteristics.
    Focus on one core characteristic you've always had. One you've been affirmed in by others and yourself. Focus on the this trait of yours and feel yourself becoming grounded in who you are and always have been.

Thank you for reading and may this 3-step process be a way to lead you to more peace and comfort each and every day. For more how-tos, tips, and daily self-compassion - follow me on instagram and facebook.